Full Council

Agenda Item 25


Subject:                    Customer Service


Date of meeting:    21 July 2022


Proposer:                 Councillor McNair

Seconder:                Councillor Meadows        


Ward(s) affected:   All


Notice of Motion


Conservative Group



This Council:


·         Recognises and appreciates that the pandemic has been an unprecedented challenge for staff at the City Council;


·         Notes that there has been a 55% increase in stage 1 complaints regarding customer service;


·         Believes that a satisfaction rate of 57% for transactional council services is disappointing;


·         Believes that customer satisfaction will increase if there is a focus on in-person delivery;


·         Recognises that returning to, and focusing on an in-person service, rather than a service focused on improving digital access and social media, will help to ensure that the most vulnerable residents, including often the poorest, the elderly, the dyslexic, and the hard of hearing, many of whom cannot use email or the phone easily, can receive the same level of care as other residents;


Therefore, resolves to:


1.    Express its support for ensuring that key services such as Housing, Parking, Libraries, Benefits, Bereavement, and Financial Advice, and Rubbish and Recycling will provide a fully accessible in-person service from 9-5 5 days per week from 1st September 2022; and


2.    Further expresses its support for a contact rate of 15% (the rate last seen in 2015) to be achieved by 1st January 2023 when compared to letters, email, phone and online, noting that this rate was 0% on 1st January 2022.